Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How i feel about rich people

Rich people are people who have an abundance of what whatever it is that they desire. Rich people have lots of money and can buy whatever they choose to buy nomatter what the cost is; theirs no limit to whaty they can buy. rich people drive the finest cars, live in the biggest houses, and has more money than the average person. Sometimes in my life i sort of envy rich people because they're not one of my family members whom i can go to and ask for anything i want and they be able to buy it no matter what the price is but them i just as happy with the average loving family that i have. Rich people have gotten their money by working for it and some has even become rich by playing reality games on t.v, or just singing, rapping, and entertaining. i sometimes think that rich people should spread their wealth amongst others, those who dont have and are less fortunate.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Very honest. It's good to hear you say that you are happy with your current situation. I agree that it is hard not to envy the rich at times, but then again material wealth does not bring happiness.

Please, please, please read over your writing before you post it. There are a lot of small errors in this post that I'm sure you would catch if you read over it. As is you earned 15/20 points.