Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Assignment 1:preview reflection

1. 1. protection
2. laws
3. rights
4 .assistance
5. healthcare

2. I would be ready to join a revolution if our government was not fulfilling their duties and responsibility's of the people. If they stop the police force the world would be terrible because many people would do stuff illegal because they know they would be able to get away with it. If the government didnt make laws the people would do as they pleased with no limit to it. I would join a revolution to fight for my rights and the right of others so that i know tha maybe someday they will have rights that i fought for them to have.

im finished

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Assignment 8

If i had the oppurtunity to trade spots with those of the 18th century i probably would for a day or two because they had a well ordered family and they things in a way thats not found being done in the 21st century. the familys were very close bound. Most of the children were home schooled and they were very respectful to their parents. i would make the trade also because they farmed alot and i always wanted to know how to farm and look after the cattle. I probably wouldnt want to be a certain perticular person that was in the 18th century because it would be hard to choose seeing that all of them did something special.

Assignment 7

1. I learned that life in the colonies were set in order that there was alot of love for each other between husband and wife. I learned that the wife had to give great respect towards her husband, and to also reverence him, and to support him. I also that the husband has to and show loving kindness towards his wife because she is his his help mate. Husband and wife have to love and respect one another and to halp each other through all obstacles.
2. Notyhing about the reading passage surprised me because as growing up i learned most of what i read in church. i learned very similar to the passage a well ordered family.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Moving to a new place

1. I think what motivates immigrants to come to the united states is to have a better life for themselves and their family. When they come to the united states its because they were having some hardship where they were. The united states being more richer than other countries and more resourceful they come here to have a better life,better jobs, housing, friends and much more. When immigrants come to America most of them leave behind family and friends until they can find work to go and get the rest of there family members.

2. If i were to immigrate somewhere it would be for Economic reasons because you are going to need a good stable job to have money to provide for yourself and your family. If your family have what they need they probably wouldn't care much about there freedom for just a certain amount of time. I think wherever you go you are going to have questions of whether or not your being granted your rights of freedom. You will always have someone to tell you how to live and how to do certain things with you life.

--------finished post

Monday, August 13, 2007

First Impressions

My first impression about the blog was I thought it was a web page that we go to and get our class work off of that the teacher posts on there. I think its a great way to post comments and also ask questions and talk to friends that are taking the same lesson that you are. Im really excited about customizing a blog so that i may ask and answer questions related to U.S history.